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Pasado de soften

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I softenedyo ablandé
you softenedtú ablandaste
he softenedél ablandó
she softenedella ablandó
we softenednosotros ablandamos
you softenedvosotros ablandasteis
they softenedellos ablandaron
they softenedellas ablandaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have softenedyo he ablandado
you have softenedtú has ablandado
he has softenedél ha ablandado
she has softenedella ha ablandado
we have softenednosotros hemos ablandado
you have softenedvosotros habéis ablandado
they have softenedellos han ablandado
they have softenedellas han ablandado

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